Airbnb experiences

Airbnb is a leading On-line Travel Agency (OTA) widely recognised for its worldwide accommodation selection. During 2020, Airbnb pivoted from what had been a slow growing in-person experience offer, to a fast growing selection of online, remote experiences. Launched in April 2020, the digital based experiences offered range in price from £1 to £90 and cover a diverse topic choice, everything from animal behaviour, cooking, photography and musical appreciation through to interactive magic shows (£35 per person), art workshops, live turtle hatching walk and Harry potter walking tour of Edinburgh complete with quiz (£6 per person). Airbnb co-founder was quoted as saying that their online experiences have been their fastest-ever growing product.

  • Links
  • Organisation
  • Nature of Content
    Music, Visitor destination (UK), Visitor destination (Overseas), Workshop, Art, Photography, Food, Magic, Museum, Comedy, Galleries
  • Distribution Mechanism
    Custom web experience, App, Video conferencing software - Zoom/Teams/Skype etc
  • Monetisation Strategy
    One-off payment
  • Geographic Area
    Worldwide locations