DREEm: Bulletin 2
Bringing you developments and insights from across the experience economy.
In my contribution, I summarise new funding awards emanating from within creative networks across the UK (with reference to the Cultural Recovery Fund). Other funding opportunities (including major initatives from AHRC, Horizon 2020 and The Wellcome Trust). Francesco Mazzarella collates recent findings in his Visitor section, discussing secondary cities, local recovery strategies and widespread changes across the visitor economy. Victoria Young discusses innovations in Creative, as well as some of the implications arising from recent Covid-related funding support. Stephen Whelan reviews several innovative new immersive events, in his article on Digital.
DREEm: is currently undertaking a survey of online audiences during the pandemic. Please support our research by completing the survey and sharing widely.
As a collaborative project, DREEm: invites readers of the bulletin to get in touch with any information to share – thoughts and feedback welcome. Please let us know if there are areas deserving of greater coverage, and anything you would like to hear more about, or if you would simply like to offer your thoughts.
James Harvey, Project Manager, DREEm: (dreem@arts.ac.uk)

© Nexus architecture x 110. Lucy and Jorge Orta
© Studio Wayne McGregor. Autobiography (2017)
© ‘Dua Lipa – Studio 2054’, Block 9
© Sewing2gether All Nations
Funding Opportunities
February 2021